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As the title says. We all love TexasNl, perhaps some prefer Omaha, but there are so many different ways to play poker...why not add them to your offer? I'm not talking just Unibet. None of the online poker platform I know of does. Sure, there are few exceptions, but it's just a tip of the iceberg. Freakin' Wikipedia article mentions like 10 most popular variants that you won't find on any poker website (my personal favourite- Oklahoma forehead). I personally know people who don't like TexasHold'em, but love diffrent variants of draw poker or Five-O. So, by adding them to your menu, you attract more players. You don't have to be an economist to see there's untapped pocket of demand on the market. Why not provide supply?

i am very grateful for customizable bet buttons, it has made multitabling cash games so much better. i only have one more wish - could you add a one click bet option? what i mean is you click on the bet button and it immediately bets my chosen % of the pot.

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