Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
The function of these general university institutions is to promote dialogue between students in different disciplines and faculties through interdisciplinary events for academic staff and students. The Centre for Continuing University Education (ZUW) focuses on scientific . The selection of topics in the ZUW programmes ranges from public administration through to . In addition, the University of Bern has also taken the lead in the German-speaking world in creating a number of novel study programmes, for instance Evaluation.
Il 37% degli studenti dell'Università di Berna proviene dal Canton Berna, ma la maggior parte proviene dal resto della Svizzera e dall'estero. La percentuale di donne è del 57%.
The university has defined specific strategic focuses of research and established interdisciplinary centres for research and teaching. The biomedical engineering programmes of the Artificial Organ (ARTORG) Center for Biomedical Engineering Research and the Public Management and Policy programme of the Center of Competence for Public Management (CCPM).
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
L'Università di Berna possiede cinque poli di ricerca nazionali e collabora con diverse scuole universitarie allo scopo di estendere la sua offerta di studi e le possibilità di specializzazione. Essa ospita la facoltà Vetsuisse, che forma i veterinari in Svizzera.
A number of the university's centres focus on the challenges of . The manages research programmes in the field of , focusing on its particular areas of expertise in integrated regional development and management. The (WTI) manages research, education, and outreach focused on , including global sustainability policy. The is at the forefront of international research on and policy, and its researchers have participated as co-chair, coordinating lead authors or lead authors in all the assessment reports so far published by the .
In addition to the classical disciplines, the University of Bern has also established programmes in newer ones such as and . It is the only institution in Switzerland with a theatre studies course that enables students to major in dance in their master program. The University of Bern also offers the Master in Applied Economic Analysis (MAEA), which is the only university-level program in Switzerland with focus on applied economic analysis. The Graduate Schools for doctoral candidates offer further-reaching programmes that are closely linked to the university's research priorities in the fields of climate science, and penal law and criminology.
The Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED) is an interfaculty center for research, teaching and consulting in regional economic development. Researchers from the research units Economics, Entrepreneurship, Geography and Tourism deal with research questions regarding the following research areas: Location dynamics and regional economic policy, Tourism as well as Land use policy and real estate.
Das Online-Magazin der Universität Bern
The medical faculties of the Universities of Bern and Basel have formed a strategic alliance in the fields of , , and . The Vetsuisse Faculty was created in 2006 through the merger of the Faculties of veterinary medicine of the Universities of Bern and . The Humanities Faculty is comparable to the arts and sciences departments of American universities and offers majors in the three areas of art and culture, archaeology and history, and languages and literature. The Faculty of Science focuses on the natural and life sciences. The Human Sciences Faculty was founded in 2005 and offers study programmes in education, sports and psychology.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
The University Board of Directors formulated a strategy in 2013, whixh builds on the previous strategy of 2006, the 2012 mission statement, and the performance mandate for the university from the Cantonal Government.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
UNIBE es una comunidad universitaria que promueve una experiencia educativa transformadora y crea conocimiento relevante a través de un modelo de excelencia e innovación, fomentando un liderazgo que impacta la sociedad local y global.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
The ushered in the era of credits and the bachelor's and master's degree structure. The university set strategic research priorities, such as , and promoted inter-university cooperation. At the same time, the university reorganized its faculties. With the amendment to the University Act in summer 2010, the University Board of Directors acquired the right to choose its own ordinary professors and keep its own accounts separate from the state.
The online magazine of the University of Bern
After , a growing number of voices called for the expansion of tertiary education in Switzerland. The rapid growth in the 1950s and 1960s (enrollment at the University of Bern had already reached 5,000 in 1968) – generated pressure for expansion. The completely revised University Act of 1996 transformed the University of Bern from an administrative division of the Department of Education of the Canton of Bern into an autonomous institution. a legal entity in its own right. The Act clearly defined the competencies of the university and of the state. The university passed another milestone in 1992, when its enrollment reached 10,000.