Kasino A4:lle kansainvälistä mainetta
FAT magazine is published by Kasino Creative Publishing, a publisher also known for the magazine Kasino A4. The second issue of FAT is published at Frankfurt Book Fair 2014.
Toivonen on toiminut lukuisten laadukkaiden aikakauslehtien AD:na. Kasino Creative Studion luova voima on palkitun Kasino A4 -lehden lisäksi vastannut ekologista elämäntapaa esittelevän Huilin, suomalaisen taiteeseen keskittyvän kansainvälisen FAT:n sekä Flow-festivaalien Wolf-julkaisun konseptoinnista, ulkoasuista ja joskus jopa sisällöstä.
Photographic artist Jussi Puikkonen, born in 1980, lives in Amsterdam. He was a co-founder of the magazine Kasino A4, which was awarded by a number of domestic and foreign competitions (D&AD, Best of the Year, Top Ten Independent Style Magazines, etc.) He published his first book, On Vacation, with Swiss publisher Patrick Frey. Jussi has attended to many international solo and group exhibitions. His clients include Monocle, New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Times etc. He is represented by Summerhill Management.
Kasino A4 | D&AD Awards 2008 Pencil Winner | Entire Magazines
Photographic artist Jussi Puikkonen, born in 1980, lives in Amsterdam. He was a co-founder of the magazine Kasino A4, which was awarded by a number of domestic and foreign competitions (D&AD, Best of the Year, Top Ten Independent Style Magazines, etc.) He published his first book, On Vacation, with Swiss publisher Patrick Frey. Jussi has attended to many international solo and group exhibitions. His clients include Monocle, New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Times etc. He is represented by Summerhill Management.
The exhibition has received support from Patricia Seppälä Foundation and JOKES.
Jussi Puikkonen on Amsterdamissa asuva, vuonna 1980 syntynyt valokuvataiteilija. Hän oli perustamassa Kasino A4 -lehteä, joka palkittiin useilla kansainvälisillä palkinnoilla (D&AD, Best of the Year, Top Ten Independent Style Magazines, etc.) Hän julkaisi ensimmäisen valokuvakirjansa “On Vacation” 2008 yhdessä sveitsiläisen kustantajan Patrick Frey kanssa. Jussi on osallistunut lukuisiin kansainvälisiin yksityis -ja ryhmänäyttelyihin. Hän työskentelee mm seuraaville toimeksiantajalle: Monocle, New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Times jne. Häntä edustaa Summerhill Management.
Edesmenneen Kasino A4 -lehden takana vaikuttaneet toimittaja Jonathan Mander, graafinen suunnittelija Pekka Toivonen ja valokuvaaja Jussi Puikkonen jatkavat Kasino-taivaltaan luovana studiona.
You can take the man out of the Finnish woods, but you can't take the mud off his boots.
He was a co-founder of the world’s most melancholic magazine, Kasino A4, which received awards from a number of domestic and foreign competitions (including D&AD, Best of the Year, and Top Ten Independent Style Magazines).
KASINO A4 magazine Issue 8 AW 2008 The Best Sex Issue
Perform at festivals including Glastonbury, Truck, Standon Calling and Belladrum, as well as at art galleries like the Whitechapel, Bluecoates & Beaconsfield.
Le Couteau Jaune's debut album is due for release in 2009 on Adaadat records
Kasino A4 is "the most melancholy magazine".
The Finland-based independent publication has become known for its uncompromising style, sharp look and own voice.
Kasino A4 was chosen as one of the ten best independent style magazines in 2008 by Angelo Cirimele, the editor of Style Press 2008.
Harvinainen Daniel Palillo x Kasino A4 T-paita
FAT-lehteä kustantaa Kasino Creative Publishing, joka tunnetaan myös Kasino A4 -lehdestä. Lehden julkistamista siivittää Designmuseossa esillä oleva näyttely , joka on esillä 22. syyskuuta asti.
Co-founder and director of photography of the magazine Kasino A4
Kasino A4 have been running their Grayscale Bar opposite the Casino since yesterday. Offering only black or white drinks (ie coffee or vodka) it is a positively melancholic experience. Perfect for that morning after feeling.
KASINO A4 Magazine Issue #7 Spring/Summer 2008 | CCA Islands
We have limited quantities of this wonderful new project from Helsinki’s team. Much loved here for their quarterly Kasino A4 magazine (if you don’t know it, use the search field bottom right), their new publication is a small format (160 x 210mm x 160pp + card cover) perfect bound item that was recently. If you enjoyed Kasino A4 you’ll love its successor.
James Bond Kasino Wand Kunst Druck Poster für A4 Rahmen
"Tarkoituksemme on elää myös lehden sivujen ulkopuolella, näyttelyiden, tapahtumien, minkä tahansa poikkitaiteelisten tempausten muodossa. Kasino A4 on maailma, ei pelkkä lehti."