Bond James Casino Royale (DVD) elokuva

Casino Royale disposes of the silliness and gadgetry that plagued recent James Bond outings, and Daniel Craig delivers what fans and critics have been waiting for: a caustic, haunted, intense reinvention of 007.

Contrary to popular belief, the honour of being the first actor to play James Bond fell not on Sean Connery, but on American Barry Nelson, who starred in this live 1 hour production of Ian Fleming's Casino Royale. The performance on 21st October 1954 (8.30pm EST) was the first in CBS's 'Climax' series of dramas.

In Prague, Czech Republic, has tracked down an section chief, , who was selling secrets to enemies for profit. They chat about what it takes to be a Double-O agent (one of the requirements is making two kills) and Bond casually tells Dryden that his espionage contact, died, and "Not well." Intercut with the conversation are black and white scenes of Bond and Dryden's contact fighting in a men's room. Bond finally pushes the man's face into an overflowing sink and holds him there until he falls to the floor, apparently dead. Dryden points a gun at Bond. "Shame. We barely got to know each other." He pulls the trigger, but James has removed the ammunition from the weapon. "I know where you keep your gun. I suppose that's something." Dryden continues to taunt Bond, asking him if he felt any remorse or guilt over killing Fisher. Bond remains passive, his face expressionless. Dryden says that Bond "needn't worry, the second is--" at which point Bond kills Dryden. Bond puts away saying, "Yes, considerably." (Though not said explicitly, Bond found the killing of Dryden, his second such kill, "considerably" easier than the first.) In flashback, Fisher recovers from Bond's attempt to drown him and picks up his pistol. The frame instantly shifts to the series' iconic "gun barrel" sequence. Bond spins around and shoots the man. Blood runs down the frame, prompting the opening titles.

CASINO ROYALE Clip - Poisoning (2006) Action, James Bond

James Bond -elokuvat ovat ikoninen sarja vakoojatrillerejä, jotka sijoittuvat juonittelun, toiminnan ja eleganssin maailmaan. Bondin seikkailuista on tullut karismaattisten päähenkilöiden, unohtumattomien roistojen ja huippuluokan toimintaskenografian myötä elokuvagenren symboli. Ensimmäisestä 'Dr. No':sta viimeiseen 'No Time to Die' -elokuvaan James Bond -elokuvat ovat edelleen ylittämätön osa elokuvahistoriaa.

Bond löytää Lyndille kuuluneen matkapuhelimen, jossa ovat Whiten nimi ja osoitetiedot hänen löytämisekseen. White saapuu huvilaansa mukanaan Casino Royalesta voitetut rahat. Vastatessaan odottamattoman puhelinsoittoon hän joutuu ammutuksi jalkaan. Soittaja ja ampuja osoittautuvat aseistautuneeksi Bondiksi, joka ilmestyy paikalle ja esittelee itsensä Whitelle kuuluisalla lausahduksellaan: ”Nimeni on Bond. James Bond.”

James Bondin ensimmäinen tehtävä tuplanollana on pysäyttää terroristijärjestöä johtava mestaririkollinen Le Chiffre. MI6:n johtaja M lähettää Bondin Le Chiffren vastustajaksi Montenegrossa pelattavaan pokeripeliin, jossa panokset ovat tappavan korkeat. Daniel Craig tekee elokuvassa debyyttinsä legendaarisena agenttina.

The very first screen appearance of James Bond 007, made in 1954 for US TV channel CBS. Bond's task is to destroy the evil Le Chiffre, and his plan is to force him to lose a large sum of money at the gambling tables of Casino Royale.

Casino Royale | Rotten Tomatoes

Vaaleahiuksisen Craigin valinta päärooliin ei kuitenkaan miellyttänyt innokkaimpia Bond-faneja, joiden mukaan Bondin kuuluisi olla tummahiuksinen ja kookas. osoittaakseen tyytymättömyytensä he alkoivat yllyttää elokuvayleisöä boikotoimaan elokuvaa ja antoivat Craigille hiustensa värin vuoksi pilkkanimen ”James Blond”. Tämän vuoksi syntyi epäilyjä, joiden mukaan julkaiseminen tulisi olemaan riski ja elokuva saattaisi osoittautua tappiolliseksi. Craig itse sanoi, ettei hän alun perin edes halunnut Bondin näyttelijäksi.

Casino Royale elokuva (BLU-RAY) netistä

James Bond -elokuvat ovat ikoninen sarja vakoojatrillerejä, jotka sijoittuvat juonittelun, toiminnan ja eleganssin maailmaan. Bondin seikkailuista on tullut karismaattisten päähenkilöiden, unohtumattomien roistojen ja huippuluokan toimintaskenografian myötä elokuvagenren symboli. Ensimmäisestä 'Dr. No':sta viimeiseen 'No Time to Die' -elokuvaan James Bond -elokuvat ovat edelleen ylittämätön osa elokuvahistoriaa.

James Bond - Casino Royale -dvd ..

Bond (played by ) is living in opulence after his retirement from . However, following the mysterious murders of agents from different countries, he is coerced back into service by his former boss, M (), and other international intelligence officials. Bond learns that one of the targets of the investigation is a rich gambler named (), who is actually a top operative in a known as SMERSH. Bond decides to confuse his enemies by enlisting numerous agents to adopt the name James Bond. He the services of agent Vesper Lynd () to seduce Evelyn Tremble (), the world’s greatest player. Tremble agrees to pose as James Bond and challenge Le Chiffre to a high-stakes game at the famed Casino Royale, which is a front for SMERSH operations. Tremble wins the game, causing Le Chiffre to lose an enormous amount of the crime syndicate’s money—a mistake that results in Le Chiffre’s death. When Lynd is kidnapped from the , Tremble dashes off to rescue her. However, he discovers all too late that she is a double agent, and she kills him.

Tälle tuotteelle ei ole vielä annettu arvosteluita.

NO was a great hit in the early 1960s, and Eon quickly snapped up the rights to the rest of Ian Flemming's novels about super spy James Bond--except for the CASINO ROYALE, which had already been purchased earlier by CBS for a 1950s television adaptation.

Casino Royale Official Trailer (2006) James Bond Movie HD

But what about the first James Bond? Barry Nelson is just about okay. He is handsome and about the right age, and unlike Roger Moore he has at least read the books, although his Americanisation of Bond takes away slightly from Fleming's cold character. Nelson was born in San Francisco, California on 16th April 1920, and was a regular actor in mid-sized roles on Broadway in the '40s. Since Casino Royale he has appeared in "Airport" (1970) and "The Shining" (1980). So how did he do? Certainly he is credible as Bond, although he lacks flair. He delivers the one-liners sharply, and his interpretation of the role is not too bad, although being an American he will always look out of place. Nelson's Bond is hard and cold, as 007 should be. He struggles at the fight scenes (hardly surprising considering the production was filmed live) but he does a reasonable job, with a similar quality of acting to Lazenby.